Powders for Spice Rubs, Herbal Salts, Spice Blends, or Immune Boosting Concentrates

by | Mar 12, 2021 | Powders | 0 comments

Powders are multifaceted Flavour Components (and Superfoods!) we can use to make Spice Rubs, Herbal Salts, Spice Blends, or Immune Boosting Concentrates. Make your own Plant Based Protein to add to Healthy Snacks and Smoothies, or De-hydrate Seasonal Produce and add it to dishes to make powerful nutritious balanced meals! Powders are concentrated flavour-bursting fun creations that can make for an awesome Topping, Garnish or Flavour Agent to both Sweet and Savoury Dishes. Look out for Seasonal Produce and start Drying, Grinding and Blending Today!

Immune Boosting Green Powder
Use Broccoli, Swiss Chard, Arugula, Spinach, Kale, Bok Choi, Pak Choi, Lettuce and Collard Greens!

1. Preheat the Dehydrator to 100 – 125◦F or 37 – 51◦C.
2. Place the Broccoli and Stalks on one tray – they will Dehydrate for approximately 5-6 hours.
3. Place all the Finer Leaves on Drying racks and Dehydrate until it crumbles into a powder in your hands when crushed. This can take anything from 3-5 hours.
4. Blend the Powder in the blender until completely fine. Store in the Refrigerator.
5. Use a teaspoon in your Morning Smoothie or over Muesli, 3-4 Tbsp in Soups, Broths or Sauces. Add 2 Tbsp to Waffles, Pancakes or Bread. This is a versatile powder that can be used in various ways!

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