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Who Can Do It?


Boungiorno my fellow Epicureans!

Welcome to Foodthology.com, an Educational and Nutritional Consulting informative website with a DIY Master Class Index and Pronto Pesto Blogging Platform, Written, Audio and Video content to support you in “Building your Culinary Basics” and to assist anyone in need of Nutritional Guidance to support a busy lifestyle while making better food choices .

 At Foodthology.com we hope to provide you with some Basic Culinary French Terminology (aka Vocabulary), Recipes, Historic Content on Ingredients as well as assisting in designing the very best [Budget Friendly!] personalised Nutritional Meal Plans for your day-to-day (busy) lifestyle.

Contact us at chef@foodthology.com today to design a perfectly suited Meal Plan for your “every day food needs”, provide answers to your food concerns or just offer help on any Culinary Conundrums! Have a peek at our Merchandise and get the latest hottest New-In-The-Zoo recipes at our Pronto Pesto Blog. Or, feel free to share your favourite family recipes, tips and Culinary Miracles – we would love to hear from you and with your consent, subscribe you to our hot-off-the-press Newsletter! 

 Mucho Gracias and Spicy Blessings- Your Culinary Nutritional Consultant

Chef Isabella Laing


Pickles, Preserves, Conserves

See DIY Mascarpone on Pronto Pesto Blog! Exciting new Recipes coming soon!


Plantfood LOVERS

Exciting new Recipes Coming Soon!

Lunch, DinDins & Proteins

Coming Soon!

Bread, Dough, Pastry, Gateaux

Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!